Carolyn Andzelik, Chair
The Altar Society plays a crucial role in our faith community by maintaining the altar and sacristy through the gifts of Altar Society memberships and volunteerism. Monies collected from the Altar Society membership dues and fundraisers are dedicated to the purchase and upkeep of liturgical and devotional items such as candles, incense, altar wine, baptismal needs, altar linens, sacred vessels, holiday flowers and altar breads.
Currently, a small group of Altar Society volunteers are responsible for maintaining the altars and sacristies through weekly cleaning, changing, and caring for altar linens and Holy Water, arranging for deceased member Masses, overseeing Altar Society treasury and by conducting fundraisers and a yearly membership drive.
Volunteers are always needed, so please contact us for more information or to join at [email protected].
Rita Belback and Sue Cosgrove, Co-Chairs
The Art and Environmental Ministry is responsible for decorating the churches and the altar areas. These decorations are used to mark the changing liturgical sea-sons. Members help to order, set up, arrange, and take down the flowers and greens used for Christmas, Easter, and other occasions.
The Art and Environmental Ministry is slightly connected to the Altar Society. If you are interested in helping out, please contact the parish office. Thank you!
John Buzzi, Coordinator
The purpose of the blessed candle is to be a symbol of the prayer intention or offering of thanksgiving made when the candle is lit. The flame of the candle represents the Holy Spirit and the ongoing prayers which are remembered and lifted toward heaven.
We request a donation of $3.00 per candle, and they burn for 6 days. The blessed candles are restocked several times a week as they burn out. The globes around the candles are also changed to purple for Advent and Lent.