We sponsor two semi-annual blood drives, usually in March and in August. The Central Blood Bank of Pittsburgh sets up a mobile unit in the school multi-purpose room or in the Parish Center. Donors are solicited from both the parish and from the general area.
Our next blood drive, for Vitalent, is scheduled for the fall of 2022. More information to follow closer to the event.
Donors must be at least 17 years old, weigh at least 103 pounds, and be in good health. Donors may give blood every 56 days (8 weeks). Taking medications, such as insulin, aspirin, or high blood pressure treatments, does not deter a donor from making a donation. Potential donors should refer any medical questions about making a blood donation to Central Blood Bank’s nursing department at (800) 310-9551.
A link to sign up will appear here when when the next blood drive is scheduled.
Sara Hunter, Coordinator