Faith grows when it is expressed well in celebration. At Resurrection Parish, we aim to foster the art of sacred music grounded in the scriptures, which reflects our true Catholic theology in the true presence of Christ in the Eucharist.
St. Augustine said "to sing well is to pray twice" and we are focused to uplift our voices in song not just as choirs but the entire assembly.
If you are interested in joining one of our choirs, please contact Mr. Daniel F. Kovacic, Minister of Music at [email protected] / 412-833-0031,
ext. 242.
Please note that prior to joining and participating, all adults 18 years of age and older must be cleared through our Office for Safe Environment and have all of the proper clearances needed by the State of Pennsylvania and the Diocese of Pittsburgh.
Please go to this link to begin the clearance process:
Resurrection Parish | Safe Environment | Pittsburgh, PA (
Canticle Choir
Ages: High School through Adult
Rehearsals: Thursday Evenings, 7:00-9:00 PM, St. Thomas More Church
Canticle Choir sings a wide repertoire of music ranging from classical to newly composed sacred music. The choir sings a rotating schedule between St. John Capistran (Sunday 9:00 AM on the first and third Sundays) and St. Thomas More (Sunday 9:30 AM on the second and fourth Sundays) along with special times throughout the year such as Christmas, Epiphany Concert, and Holy Week. Yearly, the group has undertaken large choral works in their repertoire for Masses and special services. Works have included 2019: Requiem, Op. 48 (Fauré); 2020: Fantasia on Christmas Carols (Vaughan Williams); 2022: Gloria, RV 588 (Vivaldi). (Daniel Kovacic, Director)
The King's Singers Children's Choir
Ages: Children, Grades 2-8
Rehearsals: Monday Evenings, 5:00-6:30 PM, St. Thomas More Church
The King's Singers is a children’s choral ensemble open to children in grades two through eight. The group sings at one Mass per month rotating between 11:00 AM (St. John Capistran) and 11:30 AM (St. Thomas More). These singers learn and rehearse not only various parts of the Mass, but also anthems selected from a wide range of repertoire spanning our Catholic heritage along with new compositions. (Jon Runion, Director)
Resounding Grace Ringers
Ages: High School through Adult
Rehearsals: Tuesday Evenings, 6:30-7:45 PM, St. Thomas More Church
The Resounding Grace Ringers of Resurrection Parish rings a repertoire of music that enhances special liturgies throughout the year. Rehearsals are held Tuesday evenings and the group rings a four octave set of handbells. There is always room for growth to expand to five octaves, but please note that space is limited. Reading music is not a requirement, but is encouraged. The group rings at various Mass times throughout the year at both churches. (Daniel Kovacic, Director)
Joyful Noise Ringers Children's Handbell Choir
Ages: Children, Grades 4-8
Rehearsals: Monday Evenings, 6:00-7:15 PM, St. Thomas More Church
The Joyful Noise Ringers are a group of children in grades four through eight who ring handbells for liturgies once every other month, rotating between both churches. Prior instrumental experience or ability to read music are not required. Beginners need only come with a willing spirit and the ability to count and follow direction. The group is limited to 11-12 ringers. (Jon Runion, Director)
Ministry of Cantor
Ages: High School through Adult
The Ministry of Cantor is an integral and vibrant part of Eucharist and paraliturgical services. Their job is to lead the Responsorial Psalm, Mass Parts, and to enliven the congregation to lift up their voices in sung prayer. An audition is required and schedules can be flexible. All cantors must go through a formal training process in the art of ministering through song trained by a cantor trainer. Cantors will be trained to sing at both church buildings and the training process will occur during open times of the liturgical year. (Daniel Kovacic, Director)
Living Spirit Choir
Ages: High School through Adult
Rehearsals: Tuesday Evenings, 7:00-9:00 PM, St. John Capistran
Living Spirit Choir sings a repertoire of newly composed liturgical music of all styles and is accompanied by organ, piano, guitar, bass, percussion, and flute along with traditional pieces adapted for this specific ensemble. The choir sings at the 11:00 AM Mass at St. John Capistran twice per month, once per month at the 5:00 PM Saturday Vigil Mass and the 11:30 AM Sunday Mass. Living Spirit Choir also participates in the yearly Festival of Scripture and Song. The group also leads prayer at our Taizé Service held in the season of Lent. (Daniel Kovacic, Director)
Arimathea Choir (Funeral Liturgy Choir)
Ages: High School through Adult
The Arimathea Choir is a group of men and women who lead the sung prayer at our parish funeral liturgies. The group is named in honor of Joseph of Arimathea, the disciple of Jesus who arranged a proper burial for our Lord. Like Joseph of Arimathea, this group fulfills the calling of the church to perform a Corporal Work of Mercy (Bury the Dead). A small rehearsal fifteen minutes prior to the start of liturgy is all that is required. This is a wonderful way to minister to those families in their time of sorrow. (Daniel Kovacic, Director)
St. Cecilia Schola
Ages: High School through Adult
Rehearsals: Scheduled as needed throughout the year
The St. Cecilia Schola is an auditioned ensemble focused to sing the ancient and traditional music of the Church including Introits, Communion Antiphons, and polyphonic motets in English and Latin. In addition to the ancient music of the church, the group sings music in similar style from composers of the modern time. Also, the group sings polyphonic Ordinaries of the Mass in Latin during Holy Days of Obligation throughout the year. A formal audition process is required to join the group. Auditions will be announced if specific voices for the ensemble are needed. The Schola will sing at Solemnities and major feasts throughout the year. Rehearsals are scheduled sporadically throughout the year, as needed, and members must prepare prior to mandatory rehearsals. (Daniel Kovacic, Director)