When celebrating the Epiphany of the Lord, we examine the Magi and their essential part in being instruments of the light of nations penetrating the Gentiles. When they gazed upon the heavens and followed the star's light, they proceeded accordingly in silence. Their passionate hearts hastened to bring the newborn King laud and praise. However, when they entered Jerusalem, they began to be distracted and lost their way. Because of their restless hearts, they sought the many lights in Jerusalem. They thought the reigning King – Herod of Judea – would know about this Infant King. Unfortunately, their mistake cost the lives of innocents. Thanks be to God that the Magi found their way again, fixating their eyes back to the heavens and continuing onward. As the Scriptures say, they “went their way.”
When reading the Gospel of Epiphany, we see how noisy Herod is and how talkative his approach is in governing the kingdom. He awakens the entire court, trying to gather information about the newborn King. This talkative approach will not bring us to encounter Jesus, Mary, and Joseph. What is required is silence. Fortunately, the Magi intuited this and did not follow Herod's instruction to search “diligently” for the child. The Magi focused not on worldly power and the dictatorship of noise but resumed their journey in silence. Because of this, they were rewarded, “And behold, the star that they had seen at its rising preceded them” (Matt. 2:9). Those on the path of silent seeking, looking up to the heavens, will be filled with great joy: “They were overjoyed at seeing the star” (Matt. 2:10).
May we learn the lessons from the Magi to seek the Lord in silence, to rid ourselves of the distractions and noises of this world so that our hearts may be ignited with the flames of Divine Love. When we lose our way through sin, may we fix our eyes again on the Light of the nations and the glory of the children of Israel. If we persevere in the path of silence, we will find Jesus in the most unlikely places of our lives, just as the Magi did. Come let us adore Him!