New Carpet and Paint by South Hills Knights of Columbus:
Modified Chapel Schedule this Week
The South Hills Knights of Columbus Council 3084 have generously and enthusiastically stepped up to bring about some much-needed improvements in the physical space of Lamb of God Chapel.
This November marks the 10-year anniversary of the chapel opening. With over 101,000 sign-ins on the chapel touchscreen, this is a great deal of wear and tear on that small space. The Knights intend to begin with a new coat of paint and new carpeting this week. Thank you South Hills Knights!
Therefore, we will have a modified adoration schedule this week, with some adoration in the church.
Monday, April 22: Normal schedule in the chapel.
Tuesday, April 23: Normal schedule in the chapel until 7PM, when the chapel will close.
Wednesday, April 24: Adoration in the church immediately following the 11:30AM Mass until 7PM. Regular adorers use the outside doors near the chapel and sign in manually near the baptismal font.
Thursday, April 25: Adoration in the church immediately following the 11:30AM Mass until 7PM. Regular adorers use the outside doors near the chapel and sign in manually near the baptismal font.
Friday, April 26: Adoration resumes in the chapel following the 11:30AM Mass, normal schedule.