Almost five years ago, I began my journey as part of the diocese’s priestly formation program. From philosophy and theology classes to life and prayer in community to my time with the Resurrection Parish family, God has always reminded me of His loving presence and guidance, especially in the context of discernment.
Seminary is a time for discernment: a prayerful, honest conversation with God and the seminary faculty about God’s plans for a man’s life, and along the way, this journey gives a man glimpses of priestly life and ministry. If a man discerns that God is, in fact, calling him to the priesthood, these glimpses will affirm what a man is finding in prayer and in conversation with the faculty. About four years into his formation, a man is formally installed as a lector and assumes the duty of proclaiming the Word of God. The following year, he is installed as an acolyte and takes a more active role in the celebration of the Church’s liturgies.
About a year before his ordination to the transitional diaconate (indicating that he is transitioning toward the priesthood), a man publicly declares his intention to receive the sacrament of Holy Orders and give his life to the service of the Church. This public declaration (and the Church’s acceptance of it) is called the rite of candidacy. The celebrating bishop addresses the man (or men) in these or similar words:
Compelled by the love of Christ and strengthened by the inner working of the Holy Spirit, you have arrived at the moment when you are to express openly your desire to be bound in Holy Orders for the service of God and mankind. This desire we shall receive with joy. (Rite of Admission to Candidacy for Holy Orders, 8)
This weekend, Bishop Zubik will accept my four classmates and me as candidates for Holy Orders. We are traveling to St. Ferdinand Church in Cranberry (part of Divine Grace Parish, where one of my classmates is assigned for his pastoral year). Our candidacy Mass will take place on Sunday, May 5th at noon, and we are most grateful for your prayers!
I look forward to spending the rest of my pastoral year here at Resurrection Parish and then, in August, returning to St. Mary’s Seminary in Baltimore, Maryland, where I will resume theology studies and prepare for ordination to the diaconate. Please keep me, my classmates, and all seminarians in your prayers! May God bless you!