Share your bread with the hungry. Clothe the naked. Give shelter to the oppressed and homeless. Be salt and light for the world. This is the path of our readings this day. This is the Commandment of love that Jesus gave us, the commandment of love we seek to live each day. We must be brave enough to love especially in a world that seems filled with hatred and vitriol. We are all sisters and brothers with God as Our Father. We seek to build His kingdom. We are to live our lives and carry out tasks in the Lord’s way rather than our own. We are to be guided by the Holy Spirit.
Jesus calls his followers to be other-centered rather than self-centered. Jesus is the center of our hearts and lives, but we do not always act in that way. We still struggle with anger and prejudice. We still struggle with forgiveness. We still struggle with sinfulness. Christianity takes a great deal of strength and courage. Jesus never promised us that this would be easy, but he did promise it would lead us to eternal life. Love is an act of pure faith in the calling of our God.
Today we are reminded to keep doing what we do well and to work on those areas where we need help. We cannot let our salt become insipid or our light to grow dim. The world needs the power and presence of Christ we bring each day. Take Courage. Do not be afraid. Your faith will make you whole. Your faith will change the world. Your love will work miracles.