There is a town that has something unique. It is a drive-in Passion play, where you watch the action from a big parking lot and listen to the words over an FM radio station. Their ad says, “Come and experience the Life and Passion of Christ—all from the comfort of your own car.”
I think we could all agree that, if there is any word we would never associate with the Passion of Christ, it would be the word “comfort.” But the greatest comfort can come to us from living a life of faith, which includes Christ’s Passion. So, following the life and Passion of Jesus Christ does not mean we should never experience comfort. But it’s hardly a spectator sport, is it?
Becoming involved with Jesus starts very young, with a sense of mystery. Maybe as a child at the ocean, playing football, or walking in the woods--or listening to a piece of amazing music--somehow, we were getting a whiff of a deeper truth about life.
Somehow, the deep inner questions led us to Jesus—and the
mystery of being his Body for others through the thick and the thin of life. What ARE the “areas of comfort” that hold us back—as an individual, or as a church—from living as Jesus would? Beer and bubble baths are fine. But are we uncomfortable being around the poor, the disabled, the needy—do we pamper ourselves to an
extent we know is excessive?
When Jesus says, “Alas for the rich,” it means the richness of comfort and distraction that keeps us from
examining our motives and our actions. Let’s reflect upon our discomfort until it becomes a new awareness—of a passion for love beyond comfort.
Vacation: I will be away this week for vacation. I will do my best to bring back some sunshine and warmth! Please call the parish office if you have any needs or questions.
Parish Share Program: Soon, you will be receiving information concerning the annual Parish Share Program. Each parish in the diocese is asked to contribute 17.6% of the prior year income to assist the diocese in their annual operating needs (many of which benefit the local parish). The assessable income of the parish for 2021 was $1,985,055. Therefore, our goal for 2022 is $349,370. As the letter you will receive states, if everyone
participates, we will have no problem reaching our goal. As an incentive, what is collected over the goal,
remains in the parish (assessment free). This past year, we surpassed our goal by over $75,000. We are asking every family to prayerfully consider participating in this year’s Parish Share Program. As always, your generosity is greatly appreciated and needed.