After being here a week, things are finally getting settled. My email now works: [email protected], my phone rings in the right places with my voicemail box properly activated and all of my boxes are unpacked.
During this past week we had a meeting with all of the staff and employees, just a general “getting to know you” type of event. Next week I will meet individually with each employee to go over job descriptions and expectations.
I have contacted the Finance Councils and Pastoral Councils of both parishes to set-up meeting times with them as well. These meetings are a bit difficult when not done in person, but with the present technology, we are able to meet via the internet.
Additionally, meetings have been conducted concerning the operation of the newly formed Ave Maria Academy.
Very soon, we will start up once again the “On Mission” process that was begun last fall to join our two parishes into a new parish to serve both faith communities.
“Are You Receiving Today?”
In the 1800’s, the Victorians had strict rules of etiquette around how and when people could be “received” for visits. There were only certain times of each day that a man or woman would be “receiving.” If the butler told you, “Madame is not receiving today,” you were politely asked to leave your card, and wait for a reply.
With social distancing in place, we are being asked not to receive others into our homes and to keep distant for our own welfare and that of others. While this is necessary in our relationship with one another, it is not necessary to keep distant from the Lord. We are called to be receivers of the seeds God has planted in us. If we are not receiving God’s voice within us, we need help.
Communication is the heart of the Christian community—and Jesus says we desperately need deep communication with God, to grow in love. You know, we are soil, made from the dust of the earth. At times, God's word is the seed that falls on our hard hearts. We shut our ears, either from pride or anger with God, or simply laziness, so the seed can’t grow. Or we’re too busy and impatient to nurture the seed.
What would enable you to be more receptive to God’s presence? And what blocks do you need to remove from your life now, so that you can really hear God again? Listen to God’s answers to these questions—so that your seed can really take root.