All of our Catholic doctrines are meant to be lived out every day of our lives—sacred mysteries don’t just exist to boggle our minds! Scripture sheds light on how to live the mystery of the Trinity—really live it—in a deep way in our everyday lives, in our marriages and relationships, even if we don’t yet fully understand it. In the Hebrew Scriptures, Wisdom was often portrayed as the feminine “face” of God. “I (Wisdom) was beside (God) as his craftsman, and I was his delight day by day….” So, the Creator God creates not alone, but with the Spirit of Wisdom. Wisdom keeps all that has been created in existence. The Spirit dances and plays in God’s presence on the surface of the earth, and “finds delight in the human race.”
We do know that living isolated and withdrawn from interaction with others is not normally a life that mirrors the life of the Trinity. We can all live an isolated life even if we look busy and involved at work or school. We can put on an act, and remain in our “caves,” closed up within ourselves, with no real outreach or sharing on our part.
God wants us to mirror the life of the Trinity—not cold, rigid, crabby, unchangeable, static—but live open to dialogue, sharing, community… our eyes and hearts always ready to dance with the spirit of love.
BISHOP’S MEETING I will be away this week for the Spring Bishop’s Meeting. Please keep us in prayer during this week.