If you have been to any professional sports games, you have probably seen someone with a John 3:16 sign in the crowd. This excerpt, part of today’s Gospel for Trinity Sunday, is a reminder of the hope we have in Jesus Christ. God loves you and I so much that he offered his Son for us and for our salvation.
As we resume Ordinary Time, the Church uses the first two Sundays following Easter to focus on the Holy Trinity (this Sunday), and the Body and Blood of Christ, Corpus Christi, (next Sunday).
The Trinity is a great mystery of our faith, and a truly awe-inspiring concept upon which to reflect. Our God is a community of three distinct persons who exist in a loving relationship with one another. It is this love that constantly renews and refreshes the world. God the Father is the unbegotten one who has always existed, and who is often referred to as the creator. Jesus Christ is his co-eternal and co-equal Son; He is the Word of God and the perfect reflection of the Father and the Father’s love. He is often referred to as the redeemer. The Holy Spirit is the personified love that exists between the Father and the Son; He is the one who sanctifies us. Perhaps today, we can reflect upon the gift of our triune God, and ask the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit to allow us to grow in love and in virtue each and every day.
Flea Market: Just a reminder that our flea market drop-off is underway. Please check this bulletin for the schedule, and check your closets, attics and basements for any items that you may want to donate.
Congratulations: Resurrection Parish offers its congratulations to Deacon John Ferguson, who, along with his classmates, was ordained this Saturday, June 3rd. Bishop Mark Eckman ordained John, who will serve our parish as a deacon this upcoming year. Thank you for your service Deacon John! We are proud of you.
Gratitude: Mary Lou Rodgers, a long time assistant in our religious education department, retired on June 1st. John Schwalm, our business manager, decided to take a new position in the financial world, and will leave us on June 9th. Thank you Mary Lou and John for your service to this parish! We are grateful to you and we will miss you both!