• “The harvest is abundant… but the laborers are few.” These words of Jesus in today’s Gospel serve as a reminder that each of us is called to share our gifts for the building up of the Church. This can be done in many ways. Most especially, all of us are called to share the gifts of faith and love in whatever ways we can in our everyday lives. It’s not always easy or convenient to do this. But may we be encouraged by the words of Jesus which conclude today’s Gospel: “Without cost you have received; without cost you are to give.”
• Speaking of laborers for the harvest… Please pray for three of our diocesan seminarians who will be ordained to the priesthood this Saturday, June 24 by Bishop Zubik: Deacon Daniel D’Antonio, Deacon Jacob Gruber, and Deacon Thomas Kadlick. As Diocesan Music Director, I am happy to direct the music for the occasion. May our new priests be blessed with many years of fruitful ministry.
• More laborers for the harvest… Our parish is blessed with the presence of several seminarians preparing for the priesthood. We’re delighted that newly-ordained Deacon John Ferguson, who was with us last year for his pastoral year, is assigned to our parish for his deacon internship. We’re also happy that seminarian Matt Selzer, who was with us for his summer assignment last year, is assigned to our parish for his pastoral year. Our own parish seminarian, Peter Henkels, is serving his summer assignment at the partner parishes of Our Lady of the Angels and St. Maria Goretti in Pittsburgh’s Lawrenceville and Bloomfield areas. Please keep these dedicated men in your prayers as they continue their journey to the priesthood.
• Thank you, and best wishes!… For the past 55 years (yes, 55 years!), our parishioner Tony Podobnik has served as the “maintenance man” at St. John Capistran Church. He will be retiring at the end of this month. Tony has been a faithful, dedicated, hard worker who has used his many gifts and talents to make sure that the facilities at St. John’s are well taken care of. Although Tony is retiring, he will continue to serve as an usher at the Saturday 5:00 Mass and grace us with his presence. Happy retirement, Tony, and thanks for all you’ve done for us!
• Summerfest… is this week, Monday, June 19 through Saturday, June 24! It promises to be a wonderful week of food, fun, and fellowship. It’s also a major fundraiser for our parish. We’re grateful to the many generous volunteers who are helping this week, and we look forward to seeing the many people who will come to enjoy the week’s festivities.
• Happy Father’s Day… to all dads, who give so much of yourselves to your families! We also remember in our prayer today all fathers who have died. May they be rewarded for their kindness. Here’s a nice Father’s Day prayer from the Church’s Book of Blessings:
God our Father,
in your wisdom and love you made all things.
Bless these men,
that they may be strengthened as Christian fathers.
Let the example of their faith and love shine forth.
Grant that we, their sons and daughters,
may honor them always
with a spirit of profound respect.
Grant this through Christ, our Lord. Amen.