Leprosy… was a common sickness in biblical times. Although the physical disease of leprosy is rare in today’s society, sometimes we do treat people who are different from us as “lepers” by avoiding them. The message of Jesus is that all of us are God’s children, and deserve to be treated as such. Today’s Gospel message also reminds us to give thanks to God, who has blessed us with so much!
Our Parish Mission… is this week! We welcome Fr. Bob Gielow, who will be leading the Mission. Check the schedule in today’s bulletin, and plan to come to as many events as you can. This is a great opportunity for us as individuals and as a parish to deepen our faith.
Evenings of reflection… are planned for our parish Lectors and Eucharistic Ministers:
* EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS are invited to a reflection evening on Wednesday, October 19, from 7:00-9:00 p.m. at STM.
* LECTORS are invited to a reflection evening on Thursday, October 27 at SJC from 7:00-9:00 p.m.
I will facilitate these evenings along with our parish Pastoral Associate, Mary Swindal. The evenings will give ministers a chance to meet one another, reflect on their ministry, and discuss some practical issues. Please mark your calendars!