St. Faustina Kowalska wrote in her diary, Divine Mercy in My Soul, “Only the present moment is precious to me. As the future may never enter my soul at all.” These words remind us of the fact that we are called to live lives of holiness right now as we do not know when the Lord will call us home.
The scripture readings for this Sunday instruct us of the need to be focused on God’s will and growing in virtue. We prepare ourselves for the Kingdom of heaven by how we are living currently, through lives rooted in prayer, sacraments, and good works. These prayers and good works are not meant only for ourselves, but for all of those connected in the communion of saints.
Throughout the month of November, the Church traditionally has prayed for the faithful departed and the souls in Purgatory, asking that God have mercy upon them and admit them into His presence. The practice of praying for the dead is an excellent means to remember those who have gone before us and to assist them by our prayers. Those souls are in need of our help to enter the Kingdom.
It is also a great practice to have Masses offered for the dead so that they may receive the grace of the sacrifice. This practice also allows us to recall our own mortality and spur us on to live for the Kingdom of Heaven. May we truly be vigilant servants who wait for our Lord with hearts that our joyful and lives that are charitable towards all we meet.
Lamb of God Chapel Testimonials: Over the course of the next two weeks, those who adore regularly in the Lamb of God perpetual adoration chapel will offer a testimonial prior to Masses at both churches. We are very blessed here that we have Eucharistic adoration available 24/6, and that we are able to spend time with Jesus in prayer in the Blessed Sacrament. If you have never visited the chapel, please do so. If you are able, please consider becoming a regular adorer. You will never regret time spent with Christ!