Last weekend I had the opportunity to speak at almost all parish Masses regarding the Next Generation Parish planning process. I am grateful to have heard responses from so many people who are excited about the future of and the possibilities for Resurrection Parish.
One of the realities of planning for that future involves having a financially sound footing and an ability to provide for the current needs of the parish and beyond. In light of that, I will update the parish this weekend at all Masses on the present financial state of the parish. Overall, we have benefited from the generosity of many parishioners. We also have been very successful in fundraising, especially with Summerfest. Nonetheless, we still have a deficit in our budget that needs to be addressed.
You may remember that in August we published a snapshot of our parish expenses and revenues that was prepared by the finance council. The result of that publication revealed a $245,000 deficit in spending. This deficit is largely due to our parish debt repayment to the Diocese; along with increases in operating expenses for utilities, and capital improvement costs as the facilities at both St. John Capistran and St. Thomas More age. We have worked hard to maintain and control costs by cutting spending, renegotiating contracts for services at the parish, and by even going without replacing retiring staff members.
Unfortunately, this alone will not suffice to close the deficit. As a result, we are asking parishioners if they would consider an increase in their offertory giving. Admittedly, I am the first person who hates to talk about money. I realize that for many people money is tight and that an increase in the offertory may not be possible. If this is the case, please consider participating in our gift card program, which raises money for the parish at no cost to you. This will be explained in greater detail at next weekend’s Masses.
However, without an increase in revenue (more than two-thirds of which comes from offertory), the level of services and ministries that we offer cannot be expanded or even maintained. A mailing is going out this week to all parishioners which explains this more comprehensively.
The purpose of the increased offertory ask is not merely to cover a deficit, but it also is to build for the future. Our desire is that we can expand services and opportunities for all our parishioners. Our hope is that an increase in revenue will enable us to hire a youth minister, establish a discipleship program, enhance our outreach to the poor and those in need, and especially work to evangelize the next generation of Catholics.
I thank you for your attention to this matter, and for what you already all do to make Resurrection such a faith-filled, dynamic parish. If you have any comments or suggestions, you are most welcome to contact me or any clergy or staff of Resurrection Parish. God Bless.
Welcome! Mr. Jerry Brandl joined our parish staff as business manger this past week. Jerry comes to us from Christ the Divine Shepherd Parish in Monroeville, where he worked as business manager for the previous seven years. Welcome Jerry - we are glad to have you at Resurrection!