How important … are our possessions to us? There’s nothing wrong with being wealthy, but today’s Scriptures encourage us to put the material things of this world in perspective, and our first reading asks us to use prudence in this matter. Christians need to consider what we do with our possessions and how we value them. In the Gospel, Jesus challenges the rich man to share his wealth. “You can’t take it with you” is an old phrase worth thinking about today.
The month of October… is traditionally a month dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary. The rosary is prayed in St. John Capistran church after the weekday morning mass. Consider praying the rosary at church or at home, perhaps for respect life intentions.
The annual second collection… for “World Mission Sunday” will be held next weekend at all masses. This is a good reminder of our Baptismal responsibility to participate in the missionary efforts of the Church.
Next Sunday… at the 9:00 Mass, there will be a short “Rite of Enrollment” for St. John Capistran second graders who will be receiving First Reconciliation and First Communion this year. The Sacraments bind us together as a parish family, so it is appropriate that we celebrate rituals like this during Sunday mass. Let’s keep our children in our prayers, as they prepare for these sacraments in the months ahead.
For fifteen years… I have been blessed to be the pastor of St. John Capistran Parish. As of tomorrow, October 15, 2018, that will no longer be the case. Rather, with the beginning of the “On Mission for the Church Alive” initiative, I will become “Senior Parochial Vicar” of our Parish Grouping of St. John Capistran and St. Thomas More, ministering on a clergy team with Fr. Peter Horton, our new Pastor; Fr. Jim Bedillion, our Parish Chaplain; and Bill Batz, our Deacon. We will all take turns at masses at both churches. So, although you and I may not see each other as often, I’m grateful that I will still be able to minister here at St. John Capistran, as well as beginning my ministry at St. Thomas More, in addition to continuing my work as Diocesan Director of Music Ministry. I’ll need your prayers! I am also grateful that I will still live in our rectory, and not have to move all my stuff! Change is not always easy for any of us. But let’s all do our best to have a positive outlook as we build on the past, adapt to the present, and dream for the future.