“Master, I want to see.” Bartimaeus request is for more than his physical sight. We know this because, once he sees the person of Jesus through his faith, his whole journey is disrupted. From sitting by the side of the road trying to get Jesus’ attention, Bartimaeus becomes a disciple following now where Jesus will lead. He has not only been given the gift of his eyesight, but a new spiritual insight into discipleship.
So, the question for us is the same. What do we want to see in our new future? How will we follow Jesus in this time of change? We have a vibrant faith, a strong history of service and a deep love for our Lord and one another. This is our foundation. In Jesus we have done great things and will continue to do great things. Because we have seen the Lord in the gift of the Eucharist and in the faces and hearts of our brothers and sisters, we will find new and exciting ways to serve Jesus with joyful enthusiasm and an even deeper faith and greater love.
The prophet Jeremiah speaks of God gathering us together in his healing love, a homecoming and restoration unlike any other. He will heal us, guide us and strengthen us for the work ahead. In my heart, I am convinced that our God, who began this good work in us, will bring it to its fruitful fulfillment. We are united in mission, united in Christ, a faith community of grace, wisdom and service. Let us see all the great things we can and will do in the name of our Lord, for and with each other.
Don’t Forget: “Octoberguest”
As we now move forward in becoming one family of faith, we are bringing together two outstanding communities filled with good and faithful servants of the Lord. On October 15, our new Mass and Reconciliation schedule will begin, our first step together. I am confident that we will begin with a spirit of welcome and hospitality. I am suggesting that we have an “Octoberguest” program. I am asking that we visit our other church site for one liturgy during the month of October. No one will check up on you, but it is a way we can learn about each other and our two wonderful churches. Our new team of priests will begin rotating Masses between the sites as well. Let us make the most of our new beginnings.