The Gospel passage we hear today is one of great hope in the promise of new life and the glory of the resurrection of the body. Jesus, with the entire community of saints gone before us, is working to prepare our place in heaven. This is our consolation, our hope and our faith. We are called not only to a future resurrection but to live as resurrection people here and now.
When I think of dwelling places, I also think of the chambers of the heart. We celebrate the Sacred Heart of Jesus, a heart bursting with love. It is this sacred heart that holds us in its chambers. We dwell in and are fortified by the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Through his grace, each of us has a sacred heart as well. In this unprecedented time of crisis, we are holding each other in our own sacred heart with prayers and friendship. We dwell with each other in love and we continue to fill each other with love and support even at a distance. We have become each other’s spiritual dwelling place. We are a family of faith, hope and love, united in prayer and mutual support. We are still the Body of Christ.
On this Mothers’’ Day, we thank all of those wonderful women who brought us to life and nurtured us in this gift of faith. Thank you, moms for all you are and do for us. Whether you are a mother, grandmother, godmother, aunt sister or a special woman who inspired us, we thank God every day for the gift of you. Our hearts are not troubled because you makes us stronger and better each day. God Bless You all. You represent in so many ways the Sacred Heart of Jesus poured out in love.
A Brief State of the Parish Message
This week we received the Payroll Protection Loans from the Federal Government for both of our Churches. This meant that we could bring back our parish staff. They are all working very hard, some on site and some at home, to provide all the services our parish needs and to reach out to parishioners while we must be apart.
I would like to thank all of you who continue to donate to our parish. Please keep up the generous and good work you are doing. Your gifts are very much appreciated and help us to keep ministries and services active. Your weekly donations assist us in maintaining our buildings and grounds so we will be ready to reopen as soon as restrictions are lifted. You will find our weekly donation total since the beginning of the quarantine in the weekly bulletin.
Please know that gift card sales have resumed on a limited basis at the STM office. All of the details of those sales can be found on our website. This is another way in which you help us carry out our mission
I would also like to thank those parishioners who have volunteered their own equipment and time to help us live stream our Sunday Liturgies. Unlike our Cathedral that was fitted with professional television equipment when it was renovated, we are doing the best we can with what we have. We are working every day to improve the quality and ask your patience. Thanks too for the many home watchers we have and to the many likes and affirmations we have received.
Our own Lynne Lynch has been named principal of our regional school and is working diligently through the regionalization process. We congratulate her and promise our prayers and support in this time of transition and throughout her new position.
Last week was Teacher Appreciation Week and I want to thank all of our teachers for their hard work and great results through online learning. They were up and running almost immediately when the quarantine was announced. I thank them for their dedication and their love of learning and teaching.
As soon as we get further directives from the Diocese, we will announce the details surrounding celebration of the sacraments for our young people, in particular baptism and first communion. Our Religious Education staff is at work preparing for the time we can celebrate these days with joy and be together again. Please keep following us online and visit our parish website. The website still posts the weekly bulletin and has other vital information you need. Please know how much we all miss you. You are in our constant thoughts and prayers. You are the Sacred Heart of our parish.