“Master, I want to see.” Bartimaeus request is for more than his physical sight. We know this because, once he sees the person of Jesus through his faith, his whole journey is disrupted.
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Everyone wants the best seats. I speak from experience as I am one who always tries to get the best seats for theatre. I like to be close to the action, to have an unobstructed view of things. My sister used to call me her favorite theatre “snob.”
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How important … are our possessions to us? There’s nothing wrong with being wealthy, but today’s Scriptures encourage us to put the material things of this world in perspective, and our first reading asks us to use prudence in this matter. Christians need to consider what we do with our possessions and how we value them. In the Gospel, Jesus challenges the rich man to share his wealth.
Marriage … is the focus of today’s first reading and Gospel. Marriage is a sacrament, and husbands and wives are called to let love deepen and mature as the years go on, “for better, for worse.” It’s a challenge, and married couples will receive strength when they stay close to God and the church.
From Fr. Peter: Our first major challenge is only a week away as we change the Mass schedule next week. Though the times will change, we will still celebrate the Eucharist with vibrant faith and joyful participation at both of our churches, Saint Thomas More and Saint John Capistran.