The merger of St. Thomas More Church and St. John Capistran Church to become Resurrection Parish has necessitated some changes in our financial accounting.
If you receive a message from Fr. Mark, or any priests of our parish, requesting gift cards or assistance, please disregard it. It is a phishing spam. Please call the parish office with concerns.
If you receive a message from Fr. Mark, or any priests of our parish, requesting gift cards or assistance, please disregard it. It is a phishing spam. Please call the parish office with concerns.
What is Lent? Lent is the penitential season of the Church Year that runs from Ash Wednesday to the Mass of the Lord’s Last Supper on Holy Thursday. Then the Paschal Triduum celebrates the suffering, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Click on the Lenten Information and Events link above to view all of the great things we have going on during Lent!