Gayle Chalker (STM) and Tom Anderson (SJC), Co-Chairs
Proclaiming the Word of God is a beautiful and sacred ministry. When the Sacred Scriptures are read in the Church, God himself speaks to his people. The proclaimer’s role is to help the assembly listen reverently to these Sacred Scriptures.
This mission entails a great responsibility. At Mass, the proclaimer serves as a bridge between the Scriptures and the faithful, thereby enabling Sacred Scripture to become the Living Word.
Weekly preparation for proclaiming the Scriptures is both spiritual and technical. Through the skilled art of reading publicly, the proclaimer assists the people in understanding the readings. Thus, the Word becomes a transforming influence in the lives of those who listen attentively.
If you feel called to commit yourself to the preparation and discipline of this ministry as a Proclaimer of the Word, please contact your church office directly or email: [email protected].
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