Jim Rhoades, STM Usher Coordinator
Tony Podobnik, SJC Usher Coordinator
Ushers coordinate the activities associated with the Masses, such as taking up the collection, distributing bulletins, reserving seating for special occasions, arranging the procession of Gifts at the Offertory, and guiding the lines for Communion. They also provide directions for those unfamiliar with the building and assistance for anyone who may become ill or injured.
The commitment of time is minimal, arriving 15 minutes before Mass and staying 5 minutes after. While most ushers attend the same Mass each Sunday, that is not required. They can help at any Mass or on an occasional basis.
Training is provided during a regular Mass to familiarize new ushers with the procedures. As with all volunteers, ushers must meet the diocesan background check requirements and attend the Protecting God’s Children class. For more information, please call the parish office. Thank you!
Robin Weissert, Greeter Coordinator
A staple of our church hospitality is our Greeter Ministry. Greeters greet people at the entrances of the church. Church greeters are one of the most important experiences for first-time visitors, so we’re always looking for smiling faces to fill open slots. You don’t have to attend the same Mass every week—you can team up with someone else and do one per month if you’d like. This is a very fun, very flexible ministry. For more information, please call the parish office. Thank you!
Ushers & Greeters are not currently using Ministry Scheduler Pro for online scheduling. In the event that this changes, or if you would like to create a login to view the full liturgical ministry schedule, please use the following links:
Click here to View a Tutorial explaining how to use the web terminal.
Questions? Email: [email protected]